

斎藤秀三郎 辞書 書き写す 語学



The following proposition was made at the Second English teacher’ Conference: ―
“That an Ideal Dictionary be compiled. Words are nothing in themselves, and everything in
combination. In the case of words, combination comprises construction and association. A verb
without its constructions is no verb (動詞ハ不動詞); and association is what makes the most
significant words what they are. By association are meant the idiomatic, proverbial, and
conventional expressions in which each word usually occurs. The dictionary required is one that
shall be the ne plus ulra of accurate translation, with the definitions in rational, systematic, genetic
order―each word being presented in all its idiomatic, conventional, and proverbial associations.”
Whether or no the present work fulfils the above exacting conditions is a question which I must
leave to competent critics to decide; but this much I shall reserve for myself to say, that the work
has been of absorbing interest to me, and I consider myself one of the most favoured of men in
being thus privileged to break ground in an all but virgin field of investigation. The comparative
study of English and Japanese can not but be interesting. Each is a compositelanguage, rich with
the spoils of time. The two represent the extreme phases of human culture, and yet the student of
the two languages frequently comes upon an expression that causes him to exclaim―”One touch
of nature makes the whole world kin.” For extremes meet. However, it always remains a difficult
task to give exact renderings that are brief and to the point(一見見チニ要領ヲ得ル譯語). Here I
quote from the same paper:―
Chemistry is an interesting study―many chemists grow old and die with all the enthusiasm of
young students. Now, what is chemistry? I will not insult your scholarship by telling you that the
science professes to concern itself with the properties of some seventy or eighty or ninety
elements―I can not, for the life of me, be sure of their number, they increase so fast. But , in point
of fact, it has to deal with the properties and combinations of some thirty elements. These thirty
odd elements, with their affinities and antipathies, can engross the lifelong attention of intellects of
the first order. Now, suppose these thirty odd elements were to multiply by one hundred, what sort
of a chemistry should we have? Dr. Divers, late professor ofchemistry at the Imperial University,
was one of the busiest men I ever knew, and yet he had only thirty odd elements to deal with. We
―al least some of us―have hours to spare every day over the goban with our colleagues after our
duties at the school are done, an yet we have thousands of elements to deal with. What wonderful
men we must be! For, must I tell you that the study of English is just such a chemistry―a
mighty chemistry which has to deal with thousands of elements, whose combinations know no limit
or bounds? Ordinary chemistry has to do with deal matter, an yet its subtlety frequently defines
analysis. Our chemistry, on the other hand, deal with living mind, with the actions of the human
soul, which now shows itself as intellect, now assumes the form of emotion, and now asserts itself
as volition. The Proteus soul often visits you in the shape of the intellectual man, the man of
though, the philosopher, and challenges you to understand
him. you grapple with him, and , after, mighty efforts, succeed in grasping his sense. You now feel
ready to face the whole world of English literature. Not so fast! Proteus next confronts you in the
form of the man of emotion and sensibility, the poet. Here you have a hard tussle, and generally get
the worst of it. But even if you conquer here, you
are not yet done with all of your possible antagonists. For you have not long been triumphant and
exultant and jubilant over your conquest of English poetry, before you come into the region of will,
of morality, of religion. Here you encounter many abstruse questions, which you must get all
cleared tip and decided before you can face your tormenting devils, the students, with whom
nothing will go down but the word of conviction. What Shakespeare has imaged, yon must be able
to imagine―what Plato
has thought, yon must be able to think―what Christ has felt, you must be able to feel―before
you canwith confidence call yourselves adequate teachers of English, in whose teaching the
students are to repose implicit confidence. For us Japanese, the study of English covers all these
regions of Western thought, for English is to us the representative language of the West, and
comprehends all Western culture. A Japanese teacher of English must be at once a philosopher, a
poet, and a sage―and sometimes
a business man, too, for it not unfrequently happens that he is requested to translate a business
letter or make up a newspaper advertisement, and―Woe to the teacher who fails to do it! And
with all these tasks on his hands, he must not lose sight of another fact―a wonderful fact with
which l ought to have commenced―a fact which is indeed startling in its simplicity, and becomes
still more startling when we come to think how some of us seem to ignore it entirely―I mean the
fact that language is made up of words, which words are to the structure of the language what the
material elements are to chemistry. These word-elements of ours―their name is legion; and eaeh
of them has its special meanings and functions, each its own combinations and constructions and
associations. And we have got to learn the value of each in itself and its value in its manifold
combinations. Just think of it! Thousands of elements, and no limit to the combinations of each!
What a chemistry! It is a science well worth making a speciality of; for, what is the most divine
poetry or the grandest prose but a skilful combination of these word-elements?―what but a
product of our magic chemistry?
“The story of Benkei and the temple-acolvte is a case in point. They held a wager as to which of
them should be the first to knead an ohachi-ful of rice into rice-paste. You must all know that
rice-paste is made by crushing the grains of boiled rice with a sort of bamboo ferule on a piece of
board. The story runs how the redoubtable hero went about his task truly Benkei-fashion, and
emptied all his ohachi-ful upon his nori-board and how in his eager hurry he tried to knead all the
rice at once. On the other hand, our incipient bonze, who, like the proverbial acolyte, seems to
have been a cute chap, proceeded business-like to knead the grains one by one. One grain at a
time looks like slow work, but that is the best and surest way to do it. By the time the sun went
down, his ohachi-ful of rice was a beautiful mass of paste. The boy then looked to see how his
heroic competitor was getting along, and there knelt Benkei kneading with might and main―
panting and puffing and wheezing―all in a glow and perspiration―Benkei in a glow, just mark that!
―with great beads rolling down his fiery face. His task was not half done―he had made a glorious
mess of it. He was striving with his ohachi-ful, as if each grain of the rice were a Heike warrior. In
a word, Benkei was out-Benkeiing
Benkei in his struggle to effort the impossible.
“Let us turn from the old-time hero to one of the Meiji heroes, of whom Japan boasts many,
and pay our homage to the memory of the late Gen. Nogi. The hardest nut to crack in the Russian
War fell to his share in the shape of Port Arthur. The general was charged with the task of reducing
the ‘impregnable’ fortress. It was a point of honour with Japan to take Port Arthur, and Japan’s
honour was given into the safe-keeping of the great strategist. That he was a consummate master
of modern strategy goes without saying, but yet he could not rid himself entirely of the old
samurai-notions in him; and so he must go and set about it after the fashion of the gallant old
cavalier. He attempted to carry the Russian Port Arthur at one assault―thereby sacrificing
Heaven knows how many lives―which unfortunate circumstance, by the way, perhaps constituted
one of the motives that actuated him in resolving to attend on his Imperial Master beyond the
grave. The general, however, at once rectified his error, iferror it were, and now proceeded on the
regular scientific method―he cut his way, inch by inch, into the rock-bound fortress, and
achieved a feat which will be remembered as long as the world shall endure.
“Not everybody can be a Nogi, but everybody may rectify his error. If Gen. Nogi sacrificed his
thousands, we have sacrificed our hundreds. For my part, I have murdered is
BritishMajesty's English all my life―murdered hundreds candidates in the examination-hall―
murdered thousands of students in the class-room. If the gallows had its due, perhaps none of us
would be here to celebrate our own inefficiency!
“But, gentlemen, it is never too late to mend. Let us cry ‘preccavi’ and begin anew in the
right way. The ‘impregnable’ fortress fell to science and method; neither can the Englishtongue
be impregnable to a scientific method and a resolute will. Let us have the fact impressed on our
minds, that the English language is made up of English words, and that they have got to be
kneaded each in its turn.”
Yes, all English words must be kneaded each in its turn, or else one's English will remain a
lifelong imperfection. For the rest, l shall let the Book speak for itself.
In conclusion, l have the pleasant duty of acknowledging the thorough and conscientious care
with which Mr. Sagawa has been good enough to read the first half, and Mr. Yamada the
second half, of the volume, which the needs of the times induce me to send to its account with all
its imperfections on its head. For any sins―few of commission. I hope, but I much fear not a few
of omission―that may have been committed in these pages it shall be the business of the
succeeding volumes to atone.
Meanwhile, my sole justification for sending out the work to the world with such precipitation is the
hope that it may prove a ready help to the enthusiastic teacher and the hard-working student.
June, the 4th Year of Taisho.




have(ハヴ)【他動】[古二人称単数 thou hast, 三人称単数 he has; 過去 had, 古二人称単数 thou hadst; 過分 had](何を)有つ、有する、(彼は何が)有る。 Each man has


his merits and faults. 人は各長短あり。 The court has almanac. 宮中歴日無し。 Do it whenever you have the opportunity. 機会の有る(毎にせよ)。 He has no equals(in).(何にかけては)彼に匹敵する者無し。 My father has company. 来客がある。 I have had a visiter to-day.今日訪ねて来た人が有った。 He


has a school of his own.自分の学校が有る。She has some property of her own.(細君は)自分の財産が有る。 She has no children of her own.自分の子供が無い。That boy has a will of his own.意思(意地)の強い少年。He has a talent all his own.彼は独特の才能が有る。Each country has its own customs.處変われば品変わる。Nothing venture, nothin have.虎穴に入らざれば虎子を得ず。


②(身心に)備える。She has a good figure.姿が良い。She has ga fair compexion.色が白い。Foreigners have abeautiful teeth.歯が綺麗だ。Irishmen have red hair.頭髪が赤い。That man has a good head.頭が好い。He has a long head.達見が有る。He has a good hear, but no head.心は好いが頭が無い。Have you a good memory?君は記憶が好いか。I have a poor memory.記憶が悪くて困る。He has a good imagination.嘘が上手。This boy has a good appetite.能く飯を食う子だ。He has no English.英語を些とも知らない。He has a good(bad)character.評判が好い(悪い)。I have a right to the property.取る権利がある。I have a better claim to the estate than he has.僕の方が権利主張が立派に立つ。


He has no more title to the crown than I have.彼が王に成る権利が有るなら僕でも有る訳だ。He has no business to be here.此處には用の無い(来る権利が無い)人。You have a large choice of friends.多くの中より選べる(選択権)。You have no choice in the matter.此一事に掛けては選択の自由無し(是非無し)。③(We have=there is or are)We have(=it is)good weather to-day.今日は好天気。We have no fierce animals in Japan.日本には猛獣は無い。If it goes on raining, we shall have(=there will be)a flood.雨が止まなければ洪水に成る。④(師匠を)取る。(教師に)就く。(医者に)掛かる。(病に)罹かる。(子を)持つ。(人を)瞞す。(人を)負かす。I had a good teacher.良師に就いた。He had an apt pupil.好い弟子を持った。The child has the measles.麻疹に罹って居る。Have you had a small pox?疱瘡をお遣りに成ったか。I have an attack of rheumatism.


僂麻質斯が起った。Have you had a doctor?医者に掛かったか。She had a child last month.先月出産した。You have been had(=been imposed upon).君は瞞されたのだ。You have me there.一本参った。I have him there.一本遣って遣った。I don't know where to have him.彼は摑まえ處(隙)が無い。We had the enemy at advantage.敵の不備に乗じた。I had him on the hip.急所を捕らえた。
⑤(Giveに対し=receive)受ける、貰う、聞く。Let meh have an early answer.早く返事をして下さい。You shall have a speedy answer.早速御返事を致します。We have news of him.消息を聞いた。I have the news at first hand―on good authority.(本人から、確かな筋から)聞いた。I have orders to do so.命を受けた。


⑥(=get)He has a large salary―high wage.好い給料を取る。Is this book to be had in Japan?日本に有る(得られる)か。No fish was to be had owing to bad weather.しけで魚類が無かった。No money is to be had from him.彼からは金が取れぬ。Where nothing is to be had, the king lose his rights.無い袖は振られぬ。Nothing worth having is to be had without labour.労せずして得らるる物には碌な物が無い。I had no opportunity of going abroad.つい機会を得なかった。I shall have another chance next year.(今度落第しても)又来年試験が受けられる。I have the floor.発言権を得た。You have had your innings.毬を打つ番(より――発言などの番)にもう当たった。I have not yet had my say.今だ云い度い事を云ふ機会を得ない。A woman will have the last word.女は口が減らぬものだ。


The book has had its day.一事は流行したものだ。His genius never had full scope―had full swing.天才を充分に伸ばす機会を得なかった。Let me have my own way!僕の好きな様にさせて呉れ。You shall have your on way(in everything).好きな様に(我儘を)さして遣る。If I had my way―if I had my wish,…浮世が儘に成るならば。May I have her?彼女を貰って宜しいか。I wish to have a shave.顔を剃って貰いたい。He has had an accident.怪我をした。I had a(bad)fall, and got hurt.(酷く)転んで怪我をした。The book has had a great run.此本は大層売れた。He had a fling at the goverment.政府を罵倒した(一本遣った)。I had a shot at a stag.鹿を狙って一発放す機会を得た。To have the best of it.争いに勝つ。To have the worst of it.争いに負ける。Let him have it!叱って(罰して)遣れ。Soon after i had it out of him.程無く仕返しをした遣った。The Ayes(Noes)have it.可(否)とするもの多数。
⑦(=take―の代用)Have a care!気を付けよ(用心せよ)。I have a cold.■を引いた。He is having his dinner.昼飯を食って居る。He is having his


bath.風呂に這入って居る。I must have my revenge.かたきを取る。Will you have me?私を婿にして呉れるか。Will you have a glass of beer?―have a drink?一杯飲まないか。Let us have a smoke?一服吸はうぢゃないか。Will you have a cigar?葉巻は如何ですか。Let us have another bottle―have some more.今一本飲もうじゃないか。Will you have a game?一番遣ろうか。注意 此“have”は(“take”の如く)動詞其儘の普通名詞と合して一回の動作を表はす動詞代用句を作る。Let us have a walk(a drive, a ride)!(一つ)散歩をしようじゃないか。Let us have a bathe in the sea!(一つ)海に這入ろうじゃないか。I'll go and have a look at the house.家を(一つ)見て来よう。I wish to have a long sleep.一つゆっくり寝たい。I had a laugh over the matter.可笑しかった。Let me have a try―have a go―at it.僕にも一つ遣らして見給え。
⑧(=entertain)懐く 注意 此意味にて次の動詞代用句を作る。 I have a fear of catching cold.風を引くかと思って心配だ。He has a horror of giving offence.人に腹を立てられるかと思ってはらはらして居る。I have a(great)mind―half a mind―to try.しよっぽど遣って見ようかと思う。He has a good opinion of(=thiks well of)you.君の事を善く云って(賞めて)居る。I have a high opinion of his scholarship.君の学問には敬服して居る。He has too high an opinion of himself。己惚が強過ぎる。You have too mean an opinion of yourself.君は謙遜し過ぎる。
⑨(spend, pass)(日を)■す(消光)。 注意 此意味にて次の動詞代用句を作る。I had a good time(a good journey, a good voyage).(何々が)面白かった。I had a hard time of it.辛い思いをした(酷い目に逢った)。To have an easy time―an easy life―of it.安楽に日を送る。They are having quite a time(of it).中々面白そうに遊んで居る。We shall have hot work of it.苦しい事だろう。
⑩(the honour of―the pkeasure of)注意 一種の敬語にして特種の名詞に非ざれば概して訳するの必要なし。I have the honour of being(=am)aquainted with him. I had the pleasure of seeing(saw)him lately. I had the satisfaction of seeing my plan adopted.自分の趣向が採用されて満足した。He has had(the benefit of)a university education.大学を踏んだ。An iron ship has the advantage of combing(=combines)lightness and strength.軽快と堅牢の二性を兼ぬ。The house has the reputation of being haunted.お化が出ると云う評判。The book has the fault of over-minuteness.緻密に過ぎるの嫌いあり。


⑪(the kindness to do something―親切)にも(何々する)。 注意 此形は“Be so kind as to do something”に等しき副詞代用句。Have the goodness to wait.何卒お待ち下さい。I had the folly to spend all I earned.愚にも取った金を皆使って了った。He had the imprudence to marry beneath him.迂闊にも賤しい者を娶った。I had the good luck to succeed.僥倖にも成功した。He had the misfortune to be born rich.不幸にして富貴に生れた。He had the impudence to ask for money.あつかましくも金を呉れと云った。How can you have the heart to do such a cruel thing?能くもそんな残酷な事が出来る。
⑫(no need of―no doubt of―no desire to…)少しも無し、更に無し。 注意 “I do not need it”より“I have no need of it”(動詞代用句)の強き打




is ture.更に疑わぬ。I have no idea of what a battle is like.何んなものだか少しも知らぬ。I have no faith in drugs.薬品を信仰せぬ。I have no objection to it.異議無し。I have no call for dissipation.放蕩をする必要は更に無し。
⑬(Will have=insist)主張する。I will have everybody happy.皆残らず満足しなけれゃ承知せぬ。If you will have it so, I have nothing to say against it.是非そうしろとの仰せなら(たってのお望みなら)何とも申しません。If you will have me stya, I shall stay.是非留まれとの仰せなら留ります。He will have it that alcohol is a food.酒精は滋養に成ると云って聴かぬ。She will have everything her own way.我儘で困る。I will have no interference in the matter.御干渉は真平御免。I will not have such conduct.斯様な事をされては困る。[I will have]None of your sauce!お前の生意気は聞き度くもない。[I will have]No more of your jokes!冗談は止せ。He will have it that the soul is immortal.彼は霊魂は不滅だと云って聴かぬ。(より)Plato has it(=says)that the soul is immortal.霊魂不滅を唱える。Rumour has it that he is still alive.未だ生きて居るという風説がある。As(ill)luck would have it, the daily steamer did not sail on that particular day.(運の神が主張せしが如くとは)折悪く、あやにく(其日に限って便船が無かった)。
⑭(something about one)持ち合わせる。(又何)風がある。[had no money about me.]持ち合わが無かった。To have all one's wits(eyes)about one.うかうかして居らぬ(眉に唾)。He has something of the bohemian about him.多少浪人風(豪傑風)がある。
⑮(something before one)前途に控える。(a case before one―事件に)取り掛ける。Japan has a bright future before her.日本は前途多望なり。You have the world before you.君は未だ出世盛りの身。He is a young bear, and has all his troubles before him.是から人中で揉まれなければならない身。We have a strange ase before us.今度の事件は妙な事件だ。
⑯(a book by one―本が)手許にある。(a book by heart―本を)暗記して居る。
⑰(a man for a friend―友人)に持つ。(anything for one's own)我物にする。Wouldn't you like to have such a man for a friend?あの様な人を友人に欲しくないか。I should like to have this garden for my own.此庭園を自分のに欲しい。【動詞代用句】You have cause for joy.悦ぶのも尤も(悦ぶのが当然)。I have a liking for that man.あの人は何處か好きだ。 注意 此形は「好み方」「好み様」を表はす。To have an unconquerable love for liquor.酒が好きで■められぬ。To have a boy's love for a joke.少年らしく悪戯が好き。To have a father's(or a mother's)love for one's pupils.生徒を我子の様に愛する。The English have a passion for sporthing.勝負事が大好き。To have a lady-author's fondness for long words.如何にも女流文士らしくむずかしい言葉を使う。To have a taste for eading.読書の嗜好。To have an appetite for the marvelous.不思議な話しが好き。To have an inclination for study.学園が好き。To have a weakness for fine cloth.美服が好き(目が無い)。 注意 「憎悪」「嫌悪」の名詞に続く前置詞は概して“to”なれども次は例外。To have a have a hatred for foreigners.外国人を憎む。To have a disinclination for work.勉強が嫌い。To have a distate for mathematics.数学が嫌い。 注意 「好き」「嫌い」より「尊敬」「軽蔑」。To have a regard(a kindness)for a man.敬慕する。To have a(no)regard for truth.真事を重んずる(重んぜぬ、平気で嘘を吐く)。To have a respect(a reverene, an esteem)for a man.To have a contempt for custom.世の習慣(虚礼)



を蔑視する。 注意 「嗜好」より「才能」(好きこそものの上手)。To have a genius ofr poetry.詩才あり。To have a talent for business.実業の才あり。To have an aptitude for languages.語学の才あり。To have a turn for economy.経済の才あり。To have a capacity for work.能く働く能あり。To have an eye for the picturesque.審美眼あり。To have an(no)ear for music.音楽が分かる(分からぬ)。To have a(no)head for deep things.むずかしい事が分かる(分からぬ)。To have a hand for cookery.割烹の才あり。 注意 “To have a fame for”は“be famed for”の変体。 That man has a name for benevolence.あの人は慈善家の名がある。My servant has a character for honesty.正直と云う評判。
⑬(something from some one―誰から何を)受け取る、貰う、聞く。I have had a letter form him.手紙をよこした。I have had a visit from him.訪ねて呉れた。
⑲(something in it)中に有る、入って居る。(something of the hero in one)(何)肌がある。(a friend in Mr.So-and-so―誰某)と云う(友人が)ある。The door has a ho.e in it.戸に孔がある。The purse has nothing in it.財布に何も入って居らぬ。This cake has too much sugar in it.砂糖が這入り過ぎた。He has something of the hero in his composition.少し英雄肌がある。He has nothing of the scholar in him.少しも学者肌が無い。She has very much of the diplomatist in her nature.中々外交家肌がある。he has in him the making of a great man.豪傑の素質がある。She has in her the making of a beautiful woman.美人の相がある。Remember that you have a friend in me.私という友人の有る事を忘れるな。She had a good match in Mr.A.B.安倍君という良縁があった。I had a good argain in this horse.此馬を安く買った。He has a bee in his bonnet.奇人だ(気が狂って居る)。He has a brick in his hat.酔って居る。He has one foot in the grave.片足突込んで居る。I had my heart in my moouth.びっくりした。He has too many irons in the fire.種々の事に手を出し過ぎる。【動詞代用句】I have no hand in the affair.関係無し。He has a big finger in the pie.彼は関係が深い。Envy has no place in a good heart.善心には嫉妬の入る余地が無い。Private vendetta had place in the feudal system.封建制度には仇討の余地が有った。I have no voice in the matter.発言権が無い。
⑳(an estate of a relation)譲り受ける。(the advantage of a person)勝つ。To have the start of some one.人に先んずる。He had the start of me.彼に魅せられた。He had the start of a week.一週間早く始めた(など)。You have the advantage of me.(其点では)君が勝つ。I will have the law of him.法律づくで(貸金を)取って見せる(など)。He had his will of her.思いを遂げた。The thief had the heels of me, and escaped.盗人は足が速くて(とうとう)逃がした。
㉑(something on it)乗って居る、貼ってある、書いてある。The door has a plate on it.戸に標札がある。My bag has no name on it.鞄に名が書いて無い。He must have something on his mind.何か心配事が有りそうだ。He has some scheme on the brain.何かに凝って居る。He has a head on his shoulders.分別がある(気が利く)【動詞代用句】You must have an eye on him.(悪戯するから)目を付ける(注目せよ)。I have a hold on him.彼の急所を握って居る(から何でもさせられるなど)He has this grip on me.彼に此處を握られ居てるから(何を無心されてもいやと云へぬなど)。The enemy have designs on that island.あの島を取ろうという野心がある。She has designs on his heart.彼を虜にしよ


うという下心がある。Have mercy on me!(神よ)お慈悲を垂れ(■み)給え。
㉒(a lord over one―君を)戴く。(some one under one―部下として)持つ。We have an emperor over us.上天皇を戴く。They have a hard task-master over them.厳しい監視が附いて居る。(something to oneself)独占する。The door has no key to it.戸に鍵が無い。The story has two sides to it.裏表表面ある。They mystery has no key to it.解決の手懸りが無い。I have a room to myself.一筆を独占して居る。He has a handle to his name.肩書きがある。Have two strings―have a second string―to your bow.掛替を備える。He has a good woman to wife.好い女房を持った[古]。She had nothing to her fortune.持参金無し。【動詞代用句】We must have recourse to other means.他の手段を用うる必要あり。We have no regard to details(大ざっぱで)細密な点に機わぬ。I have a dislike to that man.何處か好かぬ。To have an aversion to study.勉強が嫌い。To have an antipathy to a man.虫が好かぬ。To have a repugnance to pain.苦痛が大嫌い。He has an eye to the position.あの地位に目を附けて居る(野心がある)。
㉔(a person with one)携える、携帯する。(something with one)持ち合わせる。I happened to have no money with me.丁度金の持合わせが無かった。He had his wife and children with him.妻子を連れて居った。【動詞代用句】I wish to have a talk with you.御相談したい事がある。I sometimes have a chat with him.時には彼と茶飲み話しをする。(I wish to have)A word with you(in private)!(一寸)内處で一言。He never had words with anybody.誰とも争った事が無い。We have dealings with that firm.あの商館と取引する。I have no relations with him.彼とは交際が無い。He has relations with her.慇懃を通して居る(深い仲)。I had a dispute with him.彼と争った。I had a set-to with him.彼と殴り合いをした。We havee a brush with the enemy.敵と小衝突をした。He has credit(influence, interest)with the minister.大臣に信用がある。Such arguments have weight(force)with the masses.衆に有力な議論。Have patience with me!堪忍して呉れ。I have no patience with him.彼には腹が立つ。I must have it out with him.大に諭ぜねばならぬ事がある。【副詞との結合】Let us have him in!彼を(此座敷へ)呼ぼうではないか。I was had in.(座敷へ)呼び入れられた。He has foreign clothes on.洋服を着て居る。He has a tall hat on.高帽を被って居る。He has long boots on.長靴を穿いて居る。He has spectacles on.目鏡を掛けて居る。Have him up!彼を召喚せよ。
㉕【補言附不完他動詞】 注意 所謂“Factitive”構文、自動詞の“You must not be idle”(遊んで居てはならぬ)に対する“I can not have you idle”(遊ばして置く事は出来ぬ)と“=keep”の用法、但し訳は一定せず。I wish to have you here.お前を此處に置き度い。I have my hands full.手が塞がって居る。I have a novel ready.小説が出来て居る。Have everything ready against his arrival.彼が何時着しても■い様に万事用意を調べて置け。When shall we have the new school open?何時開港に成るか。I have my kuruma waiting for me.車を待たして置いた。He had his arms folded.腕を組んで居った。He had his head down.首を垂れて居った。He had a book in his hand.本を提えて居た。He had a



pipe in his mouth.煙草を■えて居た。He had his head on one side.小首を傾けて居た。He had his hands in his pockets.手を懐にして居た。He had a bundle on his back.包みを背負って居た。He had a gun on his shoulder.鉄砲を■いで居た。She had a child on her back―in her arms.子供を負ぶって(抱いて)居た。He had his back against the wall.壁によっかかって居た。He has Shakespeare at his finger's ends.殆んど譜んじて居る。I like to have everything in good order.万事整頓して置く事が好き。He has much in reserve.余裕綽々として居る。I have it in my power to do so.出来る。To have some end in view.(密かに)目論見が有る。I have him in my power.彼は我が掌中にある。If you wil have it so,…是非そうしろとたってのお望みから。Have it your own way!好きな様にしろ。He has everything his own way.我儘一杯にさして居る。He has something(=something is)the matter with his foot.足を何うかした。
㉖【不定法附他動詞】I have something to do―have to(=must)do something.為ねばならぬ事(用事)が有る。I have nothing to do―I have not to(=need not)do anything.何もするに及ばぬ(用が無い)。I have much to do(=am busy).多忙だ。I have much to do(much ado)to pay my monthly bills.毎月の勘定を払うのに骨が折れる。I have enouogh to do to pay my own bills.自分の借金払いで沢山だ(人の借金まで払えぬ)。All you have to do is to try hard―you have only to try hard.うんと勉強しさえすれば■い。I have other fish to fry.他に(大事な)用事が有る。I have a bone to pick―a crow to pluck―with him.彼と人に論ぜねばならぬ事(一談判開く事)がある。Have not your cloak to make when it begins to rain.猪を立てて矢を■ぐ(な)。I have such men to deal with.斯んな連中を相手にせねばならぬ。I know whom I have to deal with.相手を知って居る。I have nothing to do with such men.そんな人には用は無い。Pigeon English has nothing to do with pigeons.鳩には何の関係も無い。We have to do with facts, not theories.事実には用があるが空論には用が無い。I have not long to wait.長く待つ事は無かった。You have not far to go to find one.遠く行く事は無い。He has not long to live.先の短い身体。
㉗【Root附不完他動詞】注意 出来事、例えば“My wife died”(女房が死んだ)を“I had my wife die”(女房に死なれた)と己が経験として叙述する形、又自動詞のPassive(行かれる、来られる、死なれる等)には此形。I don't like to have you go.君に行かれては困る。He like to have people come.人に来られるのが好きだ。We had a fire break out last night.昨日火事に出られた。The students are afraid of having him become principal.彼に校長に成られるかと思って心配して居る。 注意 無意志の出来事には「何される」とPassiveの意味、之に意思を加えれば「何させる」とCausativeの意味と成る、例えば“I shall have many people come.”(明日は大勢に来られる)に意思助動詞を加えれば“I shall have many people come”(明日は大勢に来られる)に意思助動詞を加えれば“I will have some one come”(大勢にか来て貰おう)と“have”は“make”の意味と成る、但し此用法は主に米国。I had them clean the house before your arrival.家を掃除させた。If you will have me stya, I shall stay.是非留れとの仰せなら留ります。What would you have me do?何うすりゃ■いのか。 注意 英国にては「何うして貰う」の意味は“get”を用う、I will have(=get)some one translate(=to translate)the letter.誰かに翻訳して貰おう。 注意 又「命じて何々させる」の意味には“make”を用う。I will have(make)my servant clean your boots.内の男にお靴を磨かせましょう。


㉘【過去分詞附不完他動詞】注意 普通のPassive Verbの動作を受くるは主格、例えば“My watch was stolen”(時計が盗まれた)を「時計を盗まれた」と云わんとするには“I had my watch stolen”(私は時計を盗まれた)と云う、■して此形の主格は動作を間接に受くるを以て本体を名けて“Indirect Passive Form”(関節受動態)と云う。He had his head cut off.彼は首を刎ねられた。He had his leg shot off.脛を撃ち落とされた。We shall have our rights trampled under foot.権利を蹂躙せられん。 注意 Passiveは凡べて無意味、之に意思を加ふれば、「される」(Passive)変じて「させる」(Causative)の意味と成る。I will have a new suit made.洋服を新調しよう。I will have my photograph taken.写真を取ら(せよ)う。I will have something read to me―have myself read to.(自分で本が読めないから)人に読まして聞こう(など)。【助動詞】“Have”は過去分詞と合してPerfect Tense(完了体)を作る、Perfect Tenceは元Passive Formの変体。I have done my work(=I have my work done=my work is done already).仕事を済ました(仕事が出来て居る)。 注意 此Tenseの意味は読んで名の如く完了。I have done reading―have read―this book(already).此本を読み終わった(読んで了った)。 注意 之に度数(など)の副詞を加ふれば第二の意味、即ち経験と成る。I have read this book(once, twice, many times).此本を読んだ事がある。 注意 “Do,”“read,”“write,”の如きAction(動作)を表わす動詞のPerfect Tenseの意味は第一、完了、第二、経験。然るに“be,”“live,”“know,”の如きContinuous State(継続状態)を表わす動詞のPerfect Tenseの意味が第一、継続。I have been―have lived―here for ten years(these ten years).十年間(十年前から、十年此方)此處に居る。I have known him since our school-days.(小)学校時代から彼を知って居る。 注意 之に経験(度数など)の副詞を加ふれば第二の意味、即ち経験。I have often been here.此處えは■々来た事がある。I have once lived in China.中国にも居た事がある。
【熟語】He has seen his days.繁昌した事がある[経験]。He has seen better days.(今は落ちぶれても昔は)何某と云われた身[経験]。He has seen his best days.得意時代が過ぎた[完了]。He has seen much of life.中々世間を見て居る[経験]。He has killed his man.(決闘をして)相手を殺した事がある(強い人)。What I have done, I have done.仕て了った事は仕方が無い[完了]。 注意 Perfet Tenseの不定法(to have doneの形)を意思、希望等の動詞の過去に続く時は打消の意味を含む。


I intended to have tried for entrance.試験を受ける積りであったが(受けなかった)。I expected to have succeeded in it.成功する心算であったが(成功しなかった)。I was to have gone abroad.僕は洋行する筈であったのだが(ついせずに了った)。【自動】[古](after one)(人に)続いて行く。②[古](at it)試る。(at you)聞け。(又)一本参るぞ、用心しろ。
hav'oc(ハヴォック)【名】烈しく荒す事、殺戮荒廃。To make havoc of the people.(疫病など)民衆を荒らす。To work havoc with―play havoc among―the ladies.婦人界を荒らす(殺傷無数)。To cry havoc.乱暴の教唆wする。


Something to eat along with―together with―rice.飯に添へて食ふ(副食)物。 He
travelled in company with his uncle.伯父と共々に(連れ立つて)漫遊した。 The one has
much in commonwith the other 甲は乙と共通の點が多い。 To be in partnership with one
(誰)と合名で營業する。 To be in leagne with bandits.(馬賊と)結托して居る。To be
in love with some one.(誰に)戀慕して居る. Practice should go hand in hand with
theory.實際が理論と並び行く。 The Western system of medicine was practised side by
side with the Chinese. (所謂)蘭法と漢法を並び行われた。 To combine, unite (one
thing) with another. (甲乙を)連絡する。 To couple one's name with another's. 合名
する。 His name is associated with electricity.其名は電氣と聯想する。 He is classed
with―numbered with―discoverers.發見者と共に(發見者の中に)數へらる。 To
co-operate with a person.協力(助力)する。 To side with―take sides with―take part
with some one.(誰と)味方する(肩を持つ)。

To join hands with some one.提携する。 To make common cause with one's enemy.源
平相和して(第三者に當る)。 To cast in one's lot with a party or a partner. (何黨に)
投ずる(進退をともにする)。(又)階老同穴の契を結ぶ。 (a)【混合、混同】To mix, mingle,
blend(one thing)with another.混ざる(混ぜる)。To mix up, confound the means with the
end.目的と手段を混同する(本末を誤る)。 To be intermixed or intermingled with a
different race―intertwined or interwoven with fiction―interlarded or interapersed
with quotations.入り混じる、織り込む、散らして入れる。 (A glass of)hot with.砂糖
を入れて湯を割つた火酒(目的語の”sugar”を略す、cold witiout”に對する)(b)【出會、
接觸】To meet with an accident―keep pace with keep(in)touch with―the time.(時勢

To meet with an accident―fall in with the enemy.(何に)逢ふ(遭遇する)。
To keep up with―keep pace with ―keep(in)touch with―the time.(時勢に)後れぬ樣
To come up with―catch up with―any one.人に追ひ付く。
To be brought face to face with―confrouted with―one's accuser.對決される。
He comes in contact with many people.多くの人に接する。
To be in touch with―out of touch with―the times.世と氣脈を通じて(世の事情に通じて)
(c)【一致、符合、調和】I agree with you―vote with you―concur with you in your views
―my views coincide with―tally with―you 君と同意する、意見が符号する。
I hold with―believe with―Plato that the soul is immorial.プ氏と意見を同じうして靈魂
To differ with―disagree with―one.不同意を唱える、異見が合はぬ。
To accord with―harmonize with―chime with―go well with―be in harmony with―be
in keeping with―each other.調和する。
His actions do not accord with―correspond with―are not with keeping with―his words.
To accord with―be accordant with―be in accord with―be in accordance with―the
To consist with―be consistent with―consoant with―congruous with―reason―be
inconsistent with one's principles.道理に適ふ(説)。主義に矛盾する(高度運など)。
To sympathize (feel,think) with one.同感を懐く。
To sympathize with one in afflication―condole with one on one's afflication.同情を寄せ
To fall in with―strike in with―hit with―jump with―one's humour or temper.意氣に投

To be compatible with―incompatible with―each other.(彼我の利益などが)兩立する(せぬ)。
To act in concert with―in unison with―in line with―some one.(誰と)一致して行動す
To be at war―at peace―with each other.(互い)不和なり、平和なり。
The statements are at one―at variance with―each other.陳述が皆一致して居る(居らぬ)。
The brothers are at odds―at grips―at loggerheads―at daggers drawn―with each
To be even with―level with―thg ground.地面と水平なり。
I must be(get)even with―be quits with―be upsides with―my rival.怨み晴さで置く可
To run parallel with―lie in line with―the main squadron.本隊と並行、本隊と(離れて)
Japan is on a level even terems with―any power(何國とも)同等(對等)。
To associate with―keep company with―consort with―all manners of men.有らゆる人
To chum with―chum up with―fraternize with―make friends with―a new comer.親し

To agree with―get on with―some one.折合ふ。
To keep in with―keep on terms with―any one. (喧嘩をなどせずに)美しく附合ふ。
To be in with―on terms with―some one. (誰と)附合って居る。
To make acquaintance with―get acquainted with―a person. (誰と)知り合ふ(知己になる)。
To be acquainted with―familiar or intimate with―hand and glove with―some one. 誰
To be familiar with some authors―conversant with some subject. (本を)熟知して居る。
To be on a (familiar) footing with―on (familiar) terms with―any one .(誰と親密)な仲で
To make friends with―make peace with―make up with―become reconciled with―one.
To play with a companion―dally with a lover―toy with a girl―flirt with a man―coquet
with a man―wanton with a man or a woman.(誰と)遊ぶ,ふざける。
To watch with―sit up with―an invalid.病人を寢ずに看病する。
To talk with―converse with―discourse with-a person. 人と談話する,談ずる。
To chat, chatter, gossip, prattle, tattle―with some one.(誰)とお喋りする。
To have a talk with―a chat with―some one (誰と一同の)閑話。
(I wish to have) A word with you (in private).君に(一寸内證で)一言(云ひ度い事がある)。
To consult with―advise with―confer with―a person 人と相談する。
To communicate with―correspond with―a person (手紙で)照會する。(手紙で)往復する

(e)【議論、争議、口論、喧嘩】To argue with―dispute with―a person.人と議論する、
To quarrel with―altercate with―a person.人と喧嘩する、喧嘩口論する。
To brangle, jangle, squabble, wrangle―witha person.騷しく口論する。
To quarrel with―break with―split with―fall out with―a friend.友人と喧嘩する(仲が
To quarrel with―find fault with―one's action or statement. (人の言動などを)咎め
I must have it out with him―have a bone to pick with him―have a crow to pluck with
To reason with one-exmostrate with one―remonstrate with one―on one's folly. 説論す

To plead withone―intercede with one―for(or in behalf of)another.(乙の爲に間に入って
To negotiate with―treat with―confer with―bargain with―a person.(about some
To deal with―have dealings with―do business with―transact business with―trade
with―a firm.取引する。
(To have dealing's with a firm――より)To have relations with a person. 人と交際上
To bargain with―chaffer with―haggle with―higgle with―one (abouto or over the
To bargain with―contract with―the manufacturer (for a constant upply)契約する。
To settle accounts with―settle with―reckon with―a person 人と勘定する(清算する)。(よ
How to deal with―how shall we deal with―the offender(?)(何う)處分する。(より)what to
do with-what shall l do with this child?-what have you done with your watch? (何う)
To deal―justly or honestly―severely or leniently―with a person.人と正直に附合ふ、
嚴しく(又は寛大に)扱ふ。(より)To be severe (strict) with students―lenient with
To be honest with―frank with―candid with-plain with―a person. 正直に(淡泊に)附合
To be free with―generous with―one's possessions.我物を惜まぬ(気が大きい,気前が好い)。
To be free with others' possessions.人の物を遠慮無く使ふ。(より) To make free with
other's possessions. 人の物を勝手に(無斷で)使ふ(は詰まむり盜む)。
To deal with a subject. 論ずる(扱ふ)。(より)To be skilful(expert)with bow and arrow―
awkward with chopsticks. 弓が上手、箸を持つ事が下手。
We have to deal with such people. 斯んな者を相手にせねばならぬ。
[注意]此打消は "We have to deal with such men―と云はずして次の如く云ふ"―We
have nothing to do with such men. 此んな人を相手にせぬ、斯んな人には用が無い。(より)
I willhave nothing to do with such a man―such an affair.君の樣な人には(相手にならぬ
の意味より)關係せぬ、斯んな事件に關係するのは御免蒙る。(より) This bas nothing to do
with that. 是と彼とは何の關係も無い。(より)We have to with facts, not theories.事實が
I will have to nothing more to do with such a man―such an affair.君の樣な人にはもう
5 開係せぬ(絶交する),こんな事件にはもう關係せぬ(手を引く)。(より)I have done with you.
I have done with the affair.手を引いた。(より) Have you done with the book? 本がお明
What have you do with me?何御用。(より)What is your business with me ?―What do you
want with me ?私に何御用。
(He has to deal with troublesome students―より)He has trouble with his students.あの
(He has had much to do with students―より) He has experience with students.學生を
(What shall we do with the matter?―に對し) Let us proceed with―go on with―the
matter in hand.本件を續けて議する事にしよう(など)。
(what shall I do with my task?―に對し)I will get through with(=finish)―make haste
with-my task.仕事を仕終らう,急いで遣て了はう。(What have you done with your work?
How are you getting along with your work? 仕事が捗取るか。
I am (not yet) throught with my work―(not yet) ready with my work. 仕事を仕終つた
I wish to be done with my work.仕事を(早く)片付けて了ひ度い。
He is always behindhand with―behind time with 一 his work.彼は何時も仕事が遅れる
(h)【惡戯,傷害】(To deal with a subject より) Do not meddle with philosophy!―meddle
with men's tools! 哲學(など)に手を出すな(たづさはるな,干與する勿れ)。職人の道具にい
To dabble with the text (不埒にも)本文に筆を入れる(手を附ける)。
To tamper with the seal or the wings of a hawk 急所に惡いたづらする(手紙を開封ずる、
To trifle with one's feelings―play fast and loose with one' affections.人の感情を弄ぶ(飜
To play with―flirt with―coquet with―a person or a party or an affair (人を)おもち
To take liberties with a woman. 女にいたづらする(怪しからぬ擧動に及ぶ)。
To play the devil (the deuce, the mischief, etc.) with one's health 酷く健康を害する。
To work havoc with the ladies. 婦人壯會を荒らす(殺傷無數)。
(i)〔彌次馬處分〕(how shall we deal with him?―に訝し) Down with him! 疊んで了へ。
Away with him!(= Drive him away!)拂って了へ。
Off with his head ! (=cut off his head!)首をちょん切って了へ。
Off with(=take off)your hat! 帽を取れ。
On with(=put on) your coat! 上衣を着け。
Up with(=put up) the helm!―Down with (=put down) the helm! 舵を風上に(風下に)
Out with it! (=Speak it out!)早く抜かせ。
Down with your dust!(=Pay down the money!)金を出せ。
[注意]又"with"は命令法以外の動訶に代るは次の二例―― As soon as I get home, I off
with my coat and on with my yukata.我家に歸るや(忽ち)洋服を脱いで浴衣に着換へる。
[注意]命令法代用の"with"を或動詞に加へて作る形あり。Be off with you!(= Get along
with you !)去れ。
Help me off with my overcoat―help me on with my coat.外套を脱がして呉れ,上衣を着せ
To do away with ceremony―make away with those who stand in the way(禮儀などを)廢
[注意]上例に類似の形は―To make off with one's master's money (主人の金などを)持逃げ
To walk off with an overcoat(人の外套などを)かっぱらふ。
To run away with a girl(娘を連れて)駈落する。
(do away with ceremony―より) To dispense with formalities.形式を缺く。
To part with conceit.慢心を棄てる。
(j)〔勘忍,我慢〕put up with poor fare.(何も御馳走が無いから)不味いもので我慢する。
Bear with―be patient with―have patience with―me!堪忍して呉れ。
I have no patience with―am angry with―can not away with-him! 彼には腹が立って
To get on with a hard master.主人が嚴しくとも辛抱する。
You must put up with―take up with―make shift with―scanty accommodations. (設備
(k)〔比較,對照〕To compare or contrast one thing with another.(甲乙を)――比較する,封
The one may agree with―disagree with―the other. 合ふ(似る)。違ふ(似ぬ)。
How does the one compare with the other? 甲を乙と比べて何うか(勝るか劣るか)。
It compares well with the other.比べて劣らぬ。(より) Goldcontrasts well with blue.紺地
No one can compare with him erudition.博識の點では彼に匹敵するもの無し。(より)
(l)〔競爭,奮闘〕compete with―contend with―strive with―a rival (for success, etc.)競ふ,
To cope with―vie with―royalty (in splendour) (榮華の點に於ては)王室と拮抗する(匹敵
To fight with an adversary―struggle with adversity―contend with difficulties―battle
with ignorance―combat with the wind and waves.(何と)奮剽する。
To wrestle with a problem―grapple with a subject―box with a man―fence with a man.
(m)〔同時、(より)開始、終結〕To be coeval with mail―contemporaneous with something
―contemporary with Shakespeare (何と,誰と)同時代。
The farmer rises with the lark.農家は雲雀と同時に起きる(早起き)。
His wisdom increased with his years.年を取ると同時に(年を取るに従って)智慧が増進し
The price varies with the quality.價は品次第で遑ふ。
The hardest part of the battle begins with the conclusion of the fighting.戰鬪の一番難儀
な處は戰ひの止むと同時に始まる(後片付)。(より)begin with―commence with―the
second chapter (何,何處)から始める(又は始まる)。
To start with a capital.手始めの資本がある。
To originate with some one (計畫などが誰)から始まる(誰の發起に掛かる)。
The custom of wearing swords ceased with the introduction of foreign customs. 帶刀は
The Korean expedition ended with Hideyoshi's death.朝鮮征伐は秀吉が死ぬと同時に止
To end withーclose with―terminate with―conclude with―finish with―wind up with
―top up with―something(何)にて終る(終結する,切上げる)。
A foreign dinner begins with asoup and ends with a dessert.洋食の御馳走は始めソップが
With this (=so sayign), he left me. (同時の意味より)斯う云ひながら立って行った。
(n)(To live, etc.=ches―at the house of―in the service of―some person) (誰の)家に。
She has lived as nurse with an English family.英國人の家に乳母をして居た事がある。
She now lives with a relation. 今は親類の厄介になって居る。
He has gone into busines 丸 with his uncle. 伯父の店に店員に入った。
He has gone to business with his uncle.伯父の船に乘った。
She is staying with us on a visit.泊りに來て居る。
(o)(To remain, rest, lie, leave, place, etc.=in the hadn of―in the power of―in the charge
The victory remained with the Japanese. 勝利は日本人の手に歸した。
It rests with you (=lies in your power) to decide―the decision rests with (=belogn to)
The fault lies with(=belong to) the captain.罪(責任)は船長に在り。The next move is with
you. 今度は君の打つ番(など)。
Leave your message with the servant.傳言があるなら小使にお託しなさい。
To place an order with a firm 商館に註文する(は託する)。
To deposit or lodge security with the landlord.家主に敷金を供託する(積む)。
To lodge or deposit a complaint with the authorities.告訴(告發)する。
(p)(Favour, etc.=in the eys of)This paper finds favour in the eyes of―is in favour with―
is a favourite with―is popular with―the public.此の新聞は世間に人気がある。
She found favour in the eyes of―was in high favour with―was a great favourite with―
her master. 主人の大のお気に入りであった。
What is the sport now
What is the sport now in favour with―in vogue with―popular with―the students? 今
To curry favour with―ingratiate oneself with―a person.媚びて取入る,巧みに取入る。
To lose caste with respectable people. (信用を重んずる人逹から)絶交される(破門される)。
The question of expense does not weigh with (= is not important in the eyes of) so rich
a man.入費の問題はあの樣な金滿家には重きを置かれぬ。
No argument can prevail with (=have force in the eyes of) a bigot. 迷信家に對しては議
Such explanations do not go down with the students. そんな説明は生徒の腑に落ちぬ(生
To go along way with a person.(金なら)使ひ出がある。(親切などなら)大層利き目が有る(人
Such arguments have weight with―have force with―the masses.衆に重きを置かれる(下
He has interest with―has influence with―has credit with―the minister.大臣に信用が
I beg you will use your influence with the minister my behalf.大臣方面の御盡力を乞ふ。
I use my interest (my credit) with the minister in your favour.大臣の方は私が盡力して見
To make interest with theminister 大臣に運動する。
He was a holy man with (=in the eys of) God. 神の認め給ふ聖人。(より)
(q)(=in the case of―some person) (誰に)在りては,取りでは(斯々なり)。
“Nothing is possible"(不可能なるもの無し)は一般には不可なれもど―Nothing is
impossible with God.神に(在りて)は不可能なるもの無し。
[注意]此の"with"は仝文に對する主格闘係を表はす(God regards or treats nothing as
possible)、而して"chez"の意味より出づ。When it is day in Am・ca, it is ・ghtwith us(=・
g 不 s たーgg・ry)。米国で日中なれば此方では夜間。
He is alright―it is all right with him. 彼は無事。
How are you ?ーHow is it (goes it) with you? 君は如何お暮し(お變りは無いか)。
One fares well or ill。―It fares well or with one.(人の)首尾好し(惡し)。
Things goes well or goes wrong―all goes well with us―something goes wronlwith us.
It has gone hard(=fared ill)with me.酷い目に逢った。
What has gone wrong―what is the matter―with you? 君は何うしたか(何事か)。
One prospers, succeeds or fails in one's business―one's business prospers, succeeds, or
fails with one(=in one's hands).人が繁昌する,成功する,失敗する。
(Are you out of cash?) So it is with me――such (the same) is the case with me (=I am
in the same case)。我も亦然り。
The others fled―not so with our hero. 主人公は然らず。
(All is over―より)lt is all over―all up―a gone case―a gone goose―with him.萬事休す
It was the custom in Japan―the custom with the Japanese―customary with the
Japanese―to marry early.日本人は早婚する習慣であった。
He was drunk as usual―as (is) usual (with him).彼は何時もの樣に(例の如く)醉って居た。
It is the way with you students to say so. さう云ふのは學生の癖だ。
Emolument is no object with me(=in my eyes―I have no eye to emolument). 報酬は余
He came with a friend―with a letter. 友人と一緒に(共に)。手紙を持って(所持して)来た
A man with a long purse―a bride

with a large fortune.金持(の嫁など)。
A man with a top―hat on―with spectacles on―with top-boots on.高帽を被ぷった人、
To carry, bring, take, have with one.携帶する。
He always carries an umbrella with him (or in his hands).何時も傘を持って歩く。
Take an umbrella with you.(降ると悪いから)傘をお持ちなさい。
I have not brought my watch with me to-day. 今日は時計を持って來ない。
Take him with you―bring him with you.連れて行け、連れて來い。
He had his wife and children with bim.妻子携帶。
I have no money with me. 金の持合はせが無い。
Power carries with it a responsibity.(權力は責任を携帶すとは)權力には責任伴ふ。
Wealth brings with it new anxieties.金を持つと心配だ。
[注意]「所持」の"with"は次の熟語を作る。He does everything with a view to the futureー
with an eye to the main chance.遠大の目的を以て,立身を圖る爲に(何事もする)。
He is saying money with the view of―with the intention of―going abroad.洋行する積り
Something with regard to―with respect to―with reference to(=about, conerning)―the
With(=if I had) your assistance, I might succeed.君が助力すれや成功するかも知れぬ。
With your permission, I will tell a story. 御免を蒙って。
With all (=in spite of) his faults, he is a great man. 缺點は有るけれども偉い。
With all his abilities―with many such qualities―with the best of intentionsーhe failed
He sleeps with his eyes open. 目を開いて寢る。
He stood (with a) pipe in (his) mouth.煙管を啣へて(啣へ煙管で)立って居た。
He was waiting (with his) hat in (his) band.手に帽子を持って(畏つて)待って居た。
He sat with his back against the wall.壁に寄り掛かつて。
He was looking on with his hands in his pockets.手を懷にして(袖手滂觀)。
I tramped all day (with a) gun on (my) sholder.鐡砲を擔いで。
She stood with a child her arms―on her back.子供を抱いて,子供を負ぶって。
He came out with a book under his arm. 本を脇の下に挾んで。
To look on with one's finger in one's mouth―with one's mouth watering.指を啣へて,涎を
He was thinking with his arms folded―with his head on one side.腕を組んで,小首を傾け
She entreated with tears in her eyes.涙を流して(泣いて)賴んだ。
The wolf slunk away with his tail between his logs.尻尾を下げて逃げた。
He married her with his eyes open. (疵物などと)知りつつ(貰った)。
Russia went into the war with her eyes shut.事情(など)を知らずに戰爭を始めた。
With one's nose at the grindstone.切りに勉強して。
With one's tongue in one's cheek.内證で舌を出して(に相當)。
With one's foot in the grave.片足突込んで。
With a foot the stirrup.門出に。
The bandits were fighting with a rope round their necks, for hanging is the usual fate of
those who are taken. まかり間違へば命が無いといふ羽目で(奮鬪した)。
He was born―with a silver spoon in his mouth.榮躙榮華の裡に生れた。
The Japanese entered with the colours flying and the bands playing.正々堂々と(入城し
We see witll our eyes, and hear with our ears.目を以て見、耳を以て聞く。
To write with a pen―cut with a knife―wash with soap and water―buy with money,
etc., ete.筆で書く、小刀で切る、石鹸で洗ふ,金で買ふ(等)。

To carry it (matters) with a high hand. 専横を極める(切り廻す)。
To deal out (lavish) praises with a sparing band―with an unsparing hand―with an
unsparing hand. 控へ目に(賞める)。惜しまず(賞める)。
To receiveaperson with open arms.熱心に歓迎する。
To view (look upon) a project with dark eyes. (新計畫などを)悦ばぬ(怪しむ)。
To hear with dry eyes. 泣かずに(聞く事が出来ぬなど)。
To see anything with half an eye (=at a glance). 一目瞭然。
To retire from office with clean hands. (賄賂などを取らずに)廉潔に勤めて(退職する)。To
To advance with rapid strides. 長足の進歩をする。
To come off with flying colours. 威張って(大手を捩って)及第する(など)。
To court sits with open doors―with closed doors. (法廷などにて)傍聴を許す,許さぬ。
To cross one’s hand with silvers. 錢を興へる。
To cut off a wayward boy with a shilling. 勘當する。
To kill two bird (hares) with one stone. 一擧兩得。
To put one to bed with a shovel. 死人を葬る。
To damn anything with faint praise. 冷淡な賞め樣をして非難の意を表す。
(a)【多少無形の手段,方法】To work with all one’s might―with might and
main. 力一杯、一生懸命(働く)。
To do anything with all one's heart (and soul). 全心全力を盡して(事をする)。
To do anything with life and spirit. きびきびした遣り方をする。
To enter, (with) heart and soul, into a scheme. (熱心に)意気込む。
A song composed with word and air. 語調を整へて(作つた歌)。
To give in with a good grace―with a bad grace. 潔く(しぶしぶ)降参する(など)。
To clear an obstacle with one bound 一と跳びで(跳び越える)。
To fell an ox with one blow. 一と打ちで(倒す)。
To agree with one voice―pass with one consent―pray with one accord異口同音に(承知)o
[比較] (a) To be lighted by electricity. 電氣で照らす[無形の手段]。(b) To be lighted with
[注意]次の區別にも注意す可し。(a) To rise at a bound.一躍して(昇る)。(b) To reach with
a bound. 一と跳びで(達する)。(b)【作用】[注意]「作因」(agency)は通例“By”を以て表
[比較] (a) He was attended by a servant.従者を従へて居た。(b) The operation is attended
with danger. 此の手術には危險が伴ふ(危險あり)。
The attempt was attended with no results. 功を奏せず。
My cold was accompanied with a fever. 熱が併發した。
The undertaking is beset with difficulties. 此の事業は困難多し。
The streets are crowded with―thronged with―people. 市街は帷沓して居る。
The house is infected with cholera. 家に虎列剌病毒あり。
His clothes are infested with vermin.着物は虱だらけ。
The house is overrun with rats.家は鼠だらけ。
The garden is overgrown with weeds. 庭園には草が一杯に生えて居る。
He was seized with an illness―attacked with an illness―striken with paralysis. (何)病
He is smitten with her charms. 彼女の色香に迷って居る。
I was struck with an idea. 一趣向思ひ浮んだ。
He is possessed with a strange notion. 妙な考(謬見)を懐いて居る。
(C)【原因】To be satisfied or dissatisfied with one's lot―pleased or displeased witha
person or a thing. (何々)にて満足(不満足)。

I am pleased with――delighted with―charmed with―the style.文章が非常に気に入った。
He is charmed with―captivated with―fascinated with―enchanted with―ravished
with―her charms.色香に迷って(心魂を奪はれて)居る。
He is infatuated with―taken with―the girl.女に迷って居る。
I am displeased with―disgusted with―offended with―vexed with―angry with―the
world. 世に不満(腹が立つ)。
To be bent with age. 腰が曲つて居る。
To be infirm with age 老衰して居る。
Their hands were benumbed with cold―stiff with cold.手がこごえて居た。
To be drenched with rain. 雨にびしよ濡れ。
To be faint with hunger. 腹が惑いて氣が遠く成る。
To be blinded with passion―blind with love. 痴情に目が眩む。
To be tired or fatigued with toil―exhausted or worn out with toil―hungry or thirsty
with toil. 疲れ(切って)居る。(爲に)飢渇に苦しんで居る。
To be moved with―touched with―affected with―pity or compassion.憐愍を催す。
I am impressed with its importance. (深く)必要を感じて居る。
To be ill with or down with a fever―troubled with―afflicted with―some disease. 病
To be oppressed with anxiety―harassed with doubts 心配でたまらぬ。
To be excited with――frantic with―mad with―wild with―joy, etc. (殆ど)狂亂して居る。
To be elated with―intoxicated with joy―victory. 勝ちに誇って、勝利に醉つて居る。
To be transported with joy―distracted with grief――overcome with or overwhelmed
with emotion―stunned or stupefied with amazement―petrefied with terror―dying
with curiosity―boiling with―foaming or quivering with rage―burning with jealousy―
bursting withenvy. 感極まって居る。
To be bloated with pride―puffed up with knowledge. 威張り腐つて居る。
To be white with anger―silent with shame. 眞青になって怒って居る、恥かしかつて默
One cries with pain―shivers with cold―totters with weakness―perishes with hunger,
etc. 痛くて泣く、塞くて震へる、(病後の)賜り(など)で足がふらつく、餓え死ぬ。
One's heart glows with patriotism―burns with love. 心は熱情に満つる、思ひを焦がす。
One's eyes flash with rage―kindle with joy―sparkle with delight. 怒で目から火を放つ、
One's teeth chatter with cold. 寒くて齒ががたがたする。
What with his studies, what with his sports, he has no time left for idle thoughts. 勉強
What with the high prices, and what with the badness of the times, they find it hard
to get along. 物價騰貴やら不景気やらで其日を送るのに困難だ。
The ship was filled with water―covered with ice.――水が一杯に入って、氷が一面に張り
To fill a glass with wine. 盃に酒を一杯に注ぐ。(に倣って)
To stuff a mattress with horse-hair―cram ones head with facts―replenish a pipe
with tobacco.(何に何を)詰める。
To gorge oneself with meat―glut oneself with pleasure―cloy or surfeit oneself w
ithsweets―be sated or satiated with pleasure. 満腹する(何に飽く)。
His time is taken up with teaching and writing. 授業と著述で手が塞がって居る。(より)
He is occupied with―busied with―literary work. 著述に従事して居る。

To be replete with wit―pregnant with meaning―instinct with life. (何に) 滿ち滿ちて居
The field is gay with flowers―alive with people. 野に一面に花が咲いて綺麗だ、人が出て
A woman is big with child―with child―a cow is great with young―with young. 孕んで
The country abounds with products―a river teams with fish―a house swarms with
mice―aship bristles with guns. (充滿するの意味より――何が)多い。
A heart overflowing with sympathy―a land flowing with milk and honey―a country
running with blood. 同情溢るゝの心、乳と蜜にて溢るゝ國、血にまみれた國。
The whole world rings with――resounds with――echoes with――reaches with―his
name or fame. 雷名天下に轟く。
To supply a student with expenses―furnish a man with capital―provide a mail
with anything needful. (人に學資、資本、必要品などを)供給する。
To store one’s memory with facts―stock mind with information (心に事實を)貯へる。(博
To arm or equip troops with rifles. 軍隊を武装する(何を持たせる)。
Heaven blesses a man with some good (a good son)―curses a man with some evil (a bad
temper)―endows man with reason, speech, talents, etc.天が人に福を授け、禍を下す、(理
To entertain one with music―regale one with champagne. (何を以て)饗應する。
To reward one with a pension―punish one with death. (何を以て)賞する,
To threaten or menace one with death or ruin. (何を以て)脅かす。
To credit or accredit one with some deed or statement. 言行(の光榮を)人に歸す。
To invest one with authority. 權力を與へる。
To endue one with perfection. 無い徳(など)を添へて見る。
To inspire one with hope or courage. 人に希望(など)を鼓吹する。
To present a person with a watch―favour one with a letter―honour one with
one's confidence―oblige one with an answer―accommodate one with a loan. 人に時
To serve a family with vegetables or grocery―help a students with his expenses―
trouble or plague or pester a person with―requests―importune one with requests―
heaven with prayers. (家族に日用品を)供給する(納める)。學生に學資を仕送る(は助力)
[注意]供給動詞の Passive は概して「所有」の意味。
A merchant is furnished with (=has) capital. 商人は資本が有る。
A house is provided with (=has) a bath-room. 家には風呂場が有る。
The infantry are armed with rep eating-rifles. 歩兵は逋發銃を持って居る。
Man is endowed with reason. 人は理性を有す。
He is endowed with many talents. 多才の人。
He is blessed with an iron constitution. 身體が非常に丈夫。
He is cursed with a bad temper. 短気な人。
A ship laden with corn-freighted with merchandise.(何を)積んだ船。(より)
A man is loaded with honours. 身に餘る光榮を擔ふ。
An enterprise is fraught with danger. 危險の多い事業。
A man is charged with an important duty―charged with a great crime. 人が重任を負っ
To charge one with a task―entrust a man with a matter. 人に(事件などを)託する。
To charge, reproach, upbraid one with inconstancy or infidelity. (浮気などの)罪を責め
He is
He is burdened with―encumbered with―saddled with―a family. 家族といふ厄介物を
To be covered with glory―clothed with shame. 光榮を擔ふ、恥を掻く。
The coat is lined with fur. 毛の裏が附いて居る。
The streets axe paved with stone. 通りに石が敷いてある。
The place is enclosed with a fence. 圍つてある。
A lawn is dotted with shrubs―the bay is studded with islets―an audience is sprinkled
with foreigners―one's face is streaked with sweat. 一面に(黠を打った樣に、振り撒いた
To be bedecked with―bedight with―bedizened with―some ornaments. (何を)以て(下手
To be (be) daubed with paint―(be) plastered with rouge―(be)smeared with blood―
(be)spattered with mud-(be)grimed with coal-dust (べたべた塗った樣に、泥のはねが上
A room is ornanlented with pictures―a house is decorated with flags―one's mind is
adorned with virtues ― a style is embellished with figures, and garnished with
quotations―a list is graced with great names. (何を)以て飾らる。
To be soiled with dirt―stained with guilt―suilied with evil―tainted with sin―
defiled with anything unclean―polluted with filthy lucre―contaminated with bribes
To pave a street with stone―the street is paved with stone. 街道に石を敷く。
To hang―pictures on the wall―the wall with pictures. 壁に額を掛ける。(より)
A window hung with a curtain. 幕を掛けた窓。
To plant―trees in a street―a street with trees. 街道に霹木を植ゑる。
To sow―seed in the soil―the soil with seed 地に種を蒔く。
To set―a diamond in a ring―a ring with a diamond. 指環に金剛石を嵌める。
To strew―flowers on the path―the path with flowers. 途に花を撒いて(歡迎するなど)。
To spread―dishes on the table―the table with dishes. 食卓に御馳走を並べる。(より)
A table spread with dainties―a daintily spread table. 旨い物の並んだ食卓。
To mark, stamp, engrave, inscribe―arms on plate―plate with arms. 刻印を押す。(より)
To impress―a fact on one's mind―one’s mind with a fact. 瞻に銘ずる。
(e)【仕方】 [注意] ”With"は抽象名詞(等)と合して副詞に代用す。
I accomplished my purpose with ease(=easily). 容易に(目的を遂げた)。
Read the book with care (=carefully). 注意して(讀め)。
I thanked him for the kindness with which he had taught me ( = for teaching me kindly).
He praised the boy for the rapidity with which he progressed ( = for progressing so
rapidly). 速かに進歩すると云って賞めた。
To succeed with difficulty. 辛うじて(漸く)成功する。
To do wrong with impunity. 平氣で(悪い事をする)。
We must use expedition―proceed with expedition. 急ぐ、急いで(進む)。
We must use despatch (=be quick)―proceed with despatch ( = quickly). 手早くする、手
We must use discretion―treat them with discretion. 手加減をする,手加減して(扱ふ)。
He gave a shout―ran off with a shout.一と聲揚げた、一と聲揚げて(走って行った)。
She turned to him with a smile. にっこと笑って。
He turned the subject with a laugh. 一笑して(話頭を轉じた)。
I laid down the article with a sigh。(値段を聞いて)びっくりして斷念した。
The house fell with a crash―with a terrific crash. 凄じい音がして家が倒れた。
To slam a door with a bang. ピシヤンと(戸を閉める)。
To fall with a thud. (重い物が)どしんと落ちる。
To plunge with a splash. ポチヤンと跳び込む。
To shut a book with a clap. ピシヤンと本を閉ぢる。
To come out with a rush. (鐘が鳴ると)どっと出て来る(など)。
To lift (learn) anything with an effort. どっこいしよと(持揚げる)。奮發して(學ぶ)。
The man works with a will. 身を入れて(きびきび)働く。
To rain or blow with a vengeance. やけに(降るなど)。
Here was fighting, with a vengeance !―with a witness ! 是こそ(戰ひと云ふものだ)。
They have passed with the exception of three―with a few exceptions. 三人(少数)を除い
…with this reservation, that…但し。
His story must be taken with some (grains of) allowance―with a grain of salt.多少斟酌


  • 0038

【名】(of Formosa)土人。(of Kyusyu――何処)生れの人。(of Japan)内国人。
②(=horoscope)誕生の星占。To cast a nativity.人の運勢を占う。
通風(forced draught に対す)。(history博物学(殊に動物学)。(laws)天理、
of existence)天寿。②生れ乍らの、生れ付きの、生来の、天性の、天賦の(才能など)。
⑤(Artificial, affected に対し)自然らしき、無理でない、飾り気無き(雄弁など)。
⑥(to one)楽に出る、苦しくない。Speaking comes natural to him演説が楽だ。
⑦野生の(子)、私生(児)、(又)生来の(白痴)。Idiot natural-born.生来の白痴。
⑧当然の、怪しむに足らぬ、無理からぬ、左もある可き。It is(but)natural that
such a man should succeed(=such a man ought to succeed).あの様な人の成功す

  • 051


Naturalize(ナテュラライズ)【他動】(an alien――外国人を)帰化せしむ、国籍に入れる。
To be naturalized in America―a naturalized American. 帰化米国人。②(動植物などを)土地に馴らす、馴化せしむ、風土化せしむ、移植する。(又外国言語風俗などを)
【自動】(in a place)帰化する、馴染む、慣れる。②博物学を研究する。
Nature and man.天人。The laws of nature.自然法(天則)。The course
of nature.自然の成行。Let nature take her course.自然の成行に任せる。
Living things dies in the course of nature.生者必衰は自然の理。To draw(copy)
from nature.天然を写す(物の写生)。To be ture to nature.真に迫って居る。
To be contrary to nature(preternatural).不思議。(Nothing)in nature.
天地間に(無しなど)。A freak of nature.造化の戯れ(非常な不具)。All nature
looks gay.天地(世)は賑えり(開花などにて)。Nature is the best physician.
自然に優る医師なし。Nature is a good mother.親が無くとも子は育つ。Nature
will be obeyed.天則には背き難し。To pay the debt of nature.死ぬ。

  • 006

He is honest by nature.生れ付き、人と為り(正直)。Men born of the same parents
will have different natures.同じ親から出ても性質が違えば違うものだ。The
rational(animal, moral)nature of man.人間の道理性(動物性、道義性)。Good


  • 031

nature.好人物。Ill nature.意地悪。Second nature.(習慣は)第二の天性。
A sanguine nature.楽観性の人。A brutal nature.獣性の人。Some natures
cannot appreciate poetry.詩歌の分らぬ性分の(無風流)人がある。In(by, from)
the nature of things.道理上。In(by, from)the nature of the case.当然。
He shows nothing in the nature of(=like)genius.天才という様な物は少しも無い。

  • 034

③(広く)人性、人情、天真。Human nature.人性(は欠点多きもの)。The
dictates of nature―nature will assert herself.人情の然らしむる処。It is
against nature(=unnatural).非道。You can not go against nature.人情
には背けぬ。One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.夫婦喧嘩に
は貴賤(東西)の別なし(など)。④身体、体力、活力、生活作用。Nature is
exhausted.体力が尽きた。Nature fails at last.(誰でも遂には)発力が続かなく
なる(死ぬ)。Such a diet will not support nature.そんな食物では身体が保たぬ。
Call(necessity)of nature.便通。To relieve(or ease)nature.大便(又は)
小便)をする。⑤天然性、天然状態、野蛮、赤裸。To be in a state of nature.
野蛮。(又は)赤裸。⑥(宗教にては)天恵を浴せぬ事、未だ救われぬ事。To be
in a state of nature.未だ天恵に浴せざる罪人。⑦(=kind, sort, description)
質(たち)、種類、何の様なもの、如何なるもの。Things of this nature.其の様な物。
His request is in(or of)the nature of(=like)a command.嘆願が(却て)命令
の様だ。According to the nature of the petition.嘆願の旨意如何に依ては(許す
など。They do not comprehend the nature of an oath.宣誓の何物なるかを解さぬ。
Thecalumny is not of a nature(=such as)to endanger one's reputation.名誉に

  • 006
  • 009-

Naught(ノート)【否定代名詞】[古](=nothing)何も(無し)。【名】零、無。To come
to naught.水泡に帰る(水の泡)。All my lavours have come to naught―you
have brought all my labours to naught.折角の骨折が(お蔭で)徒労に□した。
To set one's authority at naught(=defy it).(親の命令などを)無視する(ない
がしろにする、踏み付ける)。To call one to naught(=abuse one grossly).
Nausea(ノーシア)【名】吐気、むかつき、むかひけ、(又)船酔。To feel nausea.むか
鼻を衝く。I am nauseated with their affectation.生意気な風を見ると胸が悪い。
【自動】(at food, etc.)(見ると)胸が悪くなる、非常に厭う、非常に嫌う。

  • 026


  • 007

悪口を云う。To drop a pinch of salt on the tail of a bird.鳥を取る[お伽噺]。
Pasha of three tails―of two tails―of one tail.第一級(第二級、第三級)の土
耳古総督(槍の馬の尾の数より斯く言う)。②尾の如きもの、(何)尻。(of a comet)
彗星の尾。(of the eye)随行員、供揃い。(of a cart)車の後部。(of a kite)神鳶の尾。
(of a tile)屋根瓦の外端。(of a brick)煉瓦の内端。(of a gale)暴風の末。(of
a streem)急流の末の淀。(of the trenches塹壕の起工点。)(of a coin)銭の裏
(headに対す)。Head, I win; tails, I lose.(相手が銭を空中に投げて裏表
けんに相当)。(より)I can not make head or tail of what he says.(彼の云う
④【複数】垂れの有る上衣(frock-coatなど)Boys go into tails at sixteen.男の
Tail(テーィル)【自他動】(one thing on to another)附ける、繋ぐ。②(after a
person)(人に)尾行する、後を附ける。③(away or off)列に後れてばらばらに
成る。④(in a timber)(材木を壁などに)嵌める。⑤(to the tide―up and
down stream)(河に碇泊して居る船が潮の上げ下げと共に)或は下流に向き或は上

  • 018
  • 021

Tailor(テーィラ~)【名】(男子の)洋服屋、裁縫師、仕上屋。Nine tailors(can not)
make a man.仕立業者は柔弱なり(の意味)。【自他動】洋服屋をする。(又)洋服
を拵える。To be well-tailored.能く合う洋服を着て居る。
病毒。(より)害毒、汚れの気味、汚辱、汚名。There was a taint of insanity in the
family.発狂の遺伝ある家。The moral taint will spread among all classes.世に
害毒を流す。A true samurai without a taint of commercialism.商法気の無い
(一口に云えば)腐らす。(清いものを)汚す。Tainted meat.汚れた心(腐った魂)。
腐る。Fish will readily taint in hot weather.暑いと魚類は悪く成り易い。
Take(テーィク)【他動】[過去 took, 過分 taken](anything in one's hand)(物を
付く。(鬼が人を)攫う。(a thief)賊を捕える、取り押える、召捕る。(a fortress)要塞
を取る、乗取る、略取する。(so many prisoners)捕虜を(幾名)捕える。(a prize)
(何等)賞を取る。(a wife)嫁を取る。(a partner)婿を取る。(pupils)弟子
を取る。(a photograph)写真を撮る、撮影する。(a likeness)肖像を取る、写す。
(one's measure)(洋服屋が)寸法を取る。(より)人物(貫目)を度る。(the measure
of one's feet)(靴屋が)足の寸法を取る。(より)人の弱味を見る。(a degree)学位
を取る。(orders)(僧職の免許を取るの意味より)僧籍に入る。(one's revenge)
かたきを取る。(one's meaning)意味を取る、(何だと)思う、(如何に)解釈する、

  • 041


  • 048

(the ayes and noes)可否(決)を探る。(so much a month)月に(幾ら)取る(給料)。
(so much of one thing and so much of another)(何を幾ら何を幾ら)取り合わ
Take the good the gods provide.天の与える処を取らざれば却って咎有り(に相当)。
The thief was taken in the act.現行犯。Plague take him!(あんな奴は)犬に
食われて死ねば好い(に相当)。Deuce take it!南無三しまった(エー糞っ)。
(Everybody for himself and)devil take the hindmost!(一番後れたものは鬼に
攫われろとは)我先き、我勝ち(に逃げ出すなど)。Don't you take my meaning?
僕の云う事の意味が取れないか。He is satisfied, as I take it.僕の思うには。
How would you take this passage?此処を何う解釈するか。②(Giveに対し遣り
取りの)取る。(a reproof with awe)(お叱りを謹んで)受ける。(a gift)贈物を受ける。
(some work―a class)(仕事、授業などを)引受ける。(one's advice)(人の忠
告を)容れる。(a lesson-lessons-in some art)指南を受ける、稽古する。
(an examination)試験を受ける。(an offer)提供を受ける、応ずる。(some
treatmet)虐待(など)を受ける、甘んずる。(the consequences of one's one's won deeds)
自業自得と諦める。(one's chance[of failure]―the chances)(失敗したら一つ
と)遣って見る、(僥倖に任かして)一か八か遣って見る。(pot-luck with any one)
有合わせの御馳走に成る。(the hint)謎を掛けられて悟る。Give him an inch,
and hi will take an eil.(一寸遣れば一間取るとは)負ぶわうと云えば抱かると
云う(に相当)。(I will give my word for it=answer for it―より)You may
take my word for it.請合います。Take what you can get.取れる丈取れ。
Take this! and this! and this!(人を殴りながら)是でもか、是でもか、是でもか。
I will take no denial.(拒絶を容れぬ、否と云はせぬの意味より)是非(来いなど)。
I will take no nonsense.(戯言を容れぬとは)承知せぬ。He took it like a
lamb.(叱られなどして)おとなしく(神妙に)受けた。He will not take the hint.
謎を掛けられても分からぬ。③(or leave anything)取捨する。(lodgings)宿を
取る、定める。(boxes or seats in advence)芝居(など)の場所を前以て約定する。
(a house)家を借りる。(a new lease of life)(持病などが療って)更に寿命を延
ばす。(a man―a maid―a boy, etc.)人を雇う、入れる。(some articles)(店
などにて何々を)取る、買う。(the king's shilling)[英国]兵士に成る。The house

  • 0057


  • 0111

is taken already.もう家の借り手が附いた。We have taken the house for the
summer.暑中(の約束で)家を借りた。I will take him on condition that he gives
up drinking.酒を止めるという条件で彼を入れよう。I will take one pound of
black tea.紅茶を一斤貰おう。④(取捨の意味より―何れを)取る、選ぶ、選択する。
(which road?)(何の路を)取る、行く。(what course?)(何んな)方針を取る、何
うする。(one's own course)自由行動を取る、勝手にする。(step or measures
or action)(事に臨んで)処置をする。(such a step)(そんな馬鹿な)事をする。
(precautions against fire)(火の)用心をする。(some means)手段を用いる。
(sides)(討論などにて)源平に分かれる。(turns in doing anythiing)交る交る
(何々)する。(one's time―one's own time―for payment, etc.)自分の都合
を図る、都合で(払うなど)急がぬ。which will you take?どちらにするか。
Take whichever you like best.好きなのを取れ。If you will take that one,
I will take this one.君が其れにするなら僕は是にしよう。Which road shall I
take?何の路を行けば□いか。Take the one to the right.右へ曲ってお出

  • 022


でなさい。I know not what course to take.何うして□いやら。Let the matter
take its own course.事の成行きに任せろ。Take[for instance]the French
持っていく。(人を)連れ行く、連れていく。(anything home)我家へ持って帰る。
Somebody has taken my knife.誰が小刀を持って行った。I will take you
there some day.何時か連れて行こう。⑥(dinner)(飯を)食う。(one's meals)
食事をする。(tea or wine)(茶や酒を)飲む、召し上がる、戴く、頂戴する。(some
medicine)薬を飲む、服用する。(water)争い(など)を止める、弱わる。To be
taken three times a day[薬瓶の札]一日三回服用。He will sometimes
take(a drop)too much.(時々)飲み過ぎる。I am not taking any.お沢山
[英国人の辞退の言葉]。⑦(one's fancy)心を奪う、迷わす、気に入る。He seems
to be taken ith the girl.あの娘に迷って居るらしい。⑧(車などに)乗る、(車で)
行く。(the car)電車に乗る、電車で行く。(a boat)舟を雇う。To take ship
(=embark)for Shanghai.乗船する(船で上海へ行く)。To take horse.(旅人が
(one so many years, etc., to do something)(何をするのに何年)掛かる。(so
many men to work a ship, etc.)(船などを操縦するに幾人を)要する(何人掛かり)。
It took me ten years―I took ten years―to master English.英語を修めるに

  • 029
  • 031

十年掛かった。How long―does it take―did it take you―to do it?其れ
をするのんい何年掛かるか(掛かったか)。I must take time to think it over.ゆっくり
熟考して。How many men does it take to work this ship?此船を操縦するい
幾人を要するか。It takes two to make a quarrel.相手が無くては喧嘩が
出来ぬ。It took all our strength to reach the shore.陸に着くのに全力を要した。
It takes a poet to translate poetry.詩を翻訳するには詩人を要する(詩人で無けれ
ば詩の翻訳は出来ぬ)It takes a long spoon to sup with the devil.悪者と
組むと旨い汁を吸われて了う。(より)It takes a long spoon to sup with him
(=he is a devil).彼は悪魔だ。⑩(a fence)(騎士が垣などを)跳び越える。
(a man on the head)(人の頭などを)狙って喰わせる。(a man off his guard)
其の動作の回数を表す。To take a walk(a ride, a drive, etc.).(一回)散歩
(など)する。I often take long walks across country.時々遠足する。To take
a stroll in the streets―take a ramble in the woods.(一つ)ぶらつく。To take
a(sudden)leap.(俄に)跳ぶ。To take a nap.昼寝する。To take a bath.
入浴する。To take a fresh start.新規蒔き直し。To take a turn.散歩する。

  • 040


To take a serious turn.(病気が)危篤になる。To take a favourable turn.
(病気が)快方に向う。I will go and take a look at the house.其家を一つ行って
見よう。Take a glance around you.一つ見廻して御覧。To take a bird's eye
view or the sence.上から見下ろす。To take a professional view of a matter.
専門家的着眼を以て(専門家の目で)視る。To take a critical view of anything.
批評眼を以て視る。I take a different view of the matter.僕は見解を異にする。
⑫【特別用法】To take a fancy to a person or thing.惚れ込む。I have taken
a fancy to this pine-tree(=it has taken my fancy).其松に惚れた。To take
an oath.宣誓する。To take an airing―take the air.(風に当るは)散歩
(遊山)する。To take the field(against a hostile power).(軍隊が)出征(出陣)

  • 48


する。(国ならば)出兵する。To take the floor.(議員が)発言する。To take
the ground(=run aground).(船が)□岸(□坐)する。To take the form of
a woman.(狐が)女に化ける。To take the lead(in any matter).卒先する。
To take the agressive(or the offensive).攻勢を取る。To take the
initiatie(in doing anything).卒先する。(又)機先を制す。To take the veil.
尼に成る。To take the high hand(with a woman).(女などには)強く出る。To
take the wall(of a person).(人に)譲らぬ。To take the wind of a man.
云われない先に云う。To take one's ease.気楽に暮す。I take my place.
席に着く。Take your places, gentlemen!お箸席を願います。I take his place.
人の代理する。(又)後任に成る。I want some one to take my place.代理(又は
後任者)を探して居る。Electricity will take the place of stcam.電気が蒸気に
代わる。To take one's true place(in society).(人が)相当の地位を得る。To
take one's seat on a railing.欄干に腰掛ける。To take a back seat.へりくだる
(謙遜する、卑下す)。To take one's leave.暇乞いする。I shall(I humbly)
take my leave.お暇仕る。To take French leave.無断中座する(黙って帰る)。
To take one's departure.出発する。A bird takes its flight(=flies)to a tree.
飛び行く。To take one's stand on(=insist)accuracy.精確を主張する。
To take its rise.(慣例などが何時)始まる。The military class took its rise
in the Heian period.武家は平安朝に起こる。I take this opportunity of thanking
you.是を機会として感謝す。I take the liberty of addressing you.失礼を
顧みず(一書を呈す)。To take liberties with a woman.女にいたづらする(怪し
からぬ挙動に及ぶ)。To take God's name in vain.猥りに神の御名を呼ぶ。
⑬【動名熟語】To take account of circumstances.事情を(勘定に入れるとは)酌量
する。To take no account of time or distance.(時や距離を勘定に入れぬとは)

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眼中に置かぬ、歯牙に懸けぬ、度外視する。To take advantage of one's ignorance
or weakness.弱み(など)に附け込む(乗ずる)、To take(legal or medical)advice.
専門家の意見を叩く(医師の診断を乞う、弁護士の鑑定を乞うなど)。To take aim
(and fire).狙う。To take (a long)breath.(ほっと)一と息吐く。Take care!
御用心。Take care to lock the door!必ず(錠を卸ろせ)。To take(good)care
of a child.子供(など)を世話する(大事にする)。To take charge of anything.
物を預かる。To take cold.風を引く。To take(solid)comfort in one's books.
読書などにて心を慰める。To take compassion on one.憐みを垂れる。To take
counsel.相談する。To take(a)delight in one's studies.学問(など)を楽む。
To take earth.(狐が)穴に這入る。To take effect.(薬などが)利く。(法律な
どが)実施に成る。(願書の趣意などが何時から)実行に成る。To take example by


(profit by)another.人の例に□みる(前車の覆えるは後車の戒め)。To take
exception(against, at to).立腹する、忌避する。To take exercise.運動をする。
To take flight.(鳥が)立つ。To take fright.(馬などが)驚く。To take fire.
火が付く(火が移る)。To take heart(of grace).気を取り直す。To take heed
of dangers.油断せぬ。To take no heed of complaint or importunities.取合わぬ
(構い付けぬ、相手にせぬ)。To take hold of(a rope).掴える。(より)捉える。
To take horse.(旅人が山越しなどに)馬を雇う。To take interest in persons
or things.(学生などの)世話が好き。(教育などに)篤志有り。To take leave of
one's friends.暇乞いする。I must take leave to differ with you.失礼乍ら(不同意)。

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To take note of anything.注目する。To take no note of time.(忙しい時など)
時間のたつのを知らずに居る。To take notes of a lecture.筆記する。To take
notice of anything.注目する。(又)見知り置く。To take no notice of complaints
or importunities.取り合わぬ(相手にせぬ、知らぬ顔をする。構い付けぬ。)I shall take
occasion to speak to him.序が有ったら話して置こう。To take offence(at
trifles).(些細な事で)立腹する。To take part in a battle or a ceremony.参与
する、参加する、参列する。To take part with a man―take his part.人の
肩を持つ。To take pity on one.憐みを垂れる。To take place(=happen).
(事件が)起る、有る。To take(a malicious)pleasure in annoying people.人を
困らせ(など)して悦んで居る。To take possession of a town.占領する。To take
precedence of the nobility.(皇族は)家族の上席に坐す。To take a(just)
pride in one's country.国を誇る(御国自慢)。To take rank with persons or
things.肩を並べる。To take refuge(from a mob―in the legation).避難する。
To take root.(草木が)根付く。To take silk.[英国]高等弁護士に成る(羅紗の
法衣を絹の法衣を更える)。To take service(with a master―under a flag).(御)
奉公する。To take shape.(形の無い物が)形を成す(具体する)。To take shelter
(from the rain―in a cottage).雨宿り(など)する。To take stock.現在品を調べる(所謂
棚卸しする)。To take stock of(=observe)men and things.観察する。To take
stock in(believe in)anything.信を置く。To take no thought for the morrow
明日の事を心に掛けぬ。Such things take time.時日(時間)を要する。To take
turns in sitting up with an invalid.交る交る(看護)する。To take umbrage(=take
offence).立腹する。To take wind.(事件が)世に知れ渡る、噂に成る。To take
wing(=take flight).(鳥が)立つ。To take warning by(=profit by)another
人の例に鑑みる(前車の覆えるは後車の戒め)。To take water.争いを止める(弱る)。
⑭【Factitive Construcion―補言附不完他動詞】(物事を如何なる)受け方をする、
(何を何う)考える、思う。(thing easy)物事を呑気に考える。(things seriously)
まじめに考える。(things coolly)物事を冷静に考える。(anything amiss or ill
or in ill part or in dudgeon)(人の言動などを)悪く思う、立腹する。(a joke or a
reproof in good part)(人に笑われ又は叱られなどしても)立腹せぬ、恨まぬ。(things
as they are―the world as it is)世の中は斯んなものだと諦める、悟る(things
philosophically or like a philosopher)悟り開く。(a person prisoner or captive)
人を捕虜にする。(a man or an animal alive)生け捕る。You take things too
seriously.君は苦労性だ。Take it easy.呑気にしろ。What I said in joke was
taken seriously.冗談に云った事を真に受けた。How does he take his failure?
失敗して弱って居るが(負けぶりは何うか)。I say this oout of kindness, so you must
not take it amiss.老婆心から出て斯う云うのだから何卒悪からず。Take things
as they are―as thye come―as you find them.世の中は(思う様に計りは)
成るものでないから)斯んなものだと諦めろ。The world is as you take it.世は
心次第で(地獄極楽)。Take me as I am.私は斯ういう人間だから仕方が無い。
I should take it kindly of you if you would do so.そうして下されば有難い。
⑮(one at advantage or at a disadvantage or unamares)人の油断に乗ずる、
不意を撃つ。(the tide at the flood)満潮に乗ずる。(an article at one's price)
言い値に買う。(a person at his world)人の言う事を信ずる。If you say so, I will
take you at your word.そんな(旨い)事を云うと私も其気に成りますよ。He was taken

at advantage―taken at a disadvantage.不意撃を食った。⑯(anything
between finger and thumb)指で摘む。(the bit between one's teeth)(馬がは
ずなを噛んで手綱に従わぬの意味より)命令に反抗する。⑰(a person by the
hand)人の手を取る。(the bull by the horns=take decisive measures)断乎た
る処置をする。(time, occasion or opportunity, by the forelock)機会を逸せぬ
様に待構える。(anything by force)無理に取る。(a fortress or a town by storm)
要塞を攻め落とす。(より)世人(など)の心を奪う。(a fortress by stratagem)計略を
以て取る。(a fortress or a person by surprise)要塞を奇襲に依て取る。(より)人
に不意撃ちを食わせる。I was taken by surprise.不意撃を食った。He took
my gratitude by storm.感謝せざるを得ぬ様に仕向けられた。⑱(so much for an article)(品物の代を幾ら取るの意味より)幾らに売る。(a person for or to be
a madman)人を狂人だと思う、思い違う。(something for granted)勿論の事と
思う、仮定する。(the will for the deed)お志で沢山(だと云う)、頂戴したも同然
(だと云う)。(some one or something for a model)誰(何)を手本にする。(a man
or a woman, each other, for better or for worse)(男は女を)娶る。(女は男の)
妻に成る。(互に)連添う。What will you take for your horse? 馬を幾らに買って
呉れるか。I'll take 100 yen for him.百円など売りませう。I won't take a
cent less.(其れより)一銭も引けぬ。What do you take me for? 貴様は己を何だと
思うか。Do you take me for a fool?己を馬鹿だと思うか(人を馬鹿にしやがって)。
To hear him speak English, one would take him for a foreigner.あの人の英語を聞
くと西洋人かと思う。How old do you take me for?僕は幾つと見やるか。One
would not take you for forty.君は四十とは見やぬ。One would not take you
for anything but what you are.(そんな事は)云う丈野暮だ。Whom did you
take for your model?誰を手本にして(文章を)学んだか。I took Macaulay for my
model.マ氏を手本にした。⑲(money from a man)人から金を取る。(a word
from English)英語を其儘使う。(it from one)人の言を信ずる。You may
take it from me.請合います。⑳(a matter in hand)事件を引受ける。
(pen in hand)筆を執る。(anything in one's hand)手に取る。(a child in one's
in one's hands)生命を賭する、冒険する。(a thief in the act)現行犯を押える。
(a ship or a person in tow)引船する。(より)人を連れて行く、引張って行く、
保護する。?(some circumstance into account―into consideration)
事情を酌量する、酌する、諒察する。(a man into custody)人を拘引する。(a man
into partnership)人を合資(など)の仲間に入れる。(a notion into one's head)
(妙な事をなどを)思い込む。(it into one's head to try something)(突飛な事を)
思い立つ。(a person into one's confidence)人を腹心の友とする、心底を打明けて
交わる。(the law into one's own hands)一箇の了見で処分する、鉄拳制裁を加える。
?(one off one's guard)人の油断に乗ずる、不意を撃つ。(anything off one's
hands)人の厄介がって居るものを引受ける。(weight off one's mind)安心させる。
(one's eyes off a chilf)目を離す。(You must keep an eye on the child―より)
You must not take your eyes off the child for a moment.此子は(いたづらで)一寸
も目が離されぬ。?(a load or a child on one's back)荷物を背負う、子供
を負ぶう。(a gun on one's shoulder)鉄砲を□ぐ。(a responsibility on one's
shoulders)責任を負う。(cargo or passengers on board)(船に)荷を積む、乗客
